Greetings from North Carolina!

Hello from North Carolina! It’s not that we are avoiding cold weather by moving to Cornelius, it was 37 degrees this morning as Steve did his daily walk. Some trees have lost their leaves now, but there are still many more in bright reds

and oranges, colors and temperatures that make this a favorite time of the year for us both, even here in the “new South!

Life here is amazingly simple at last, especially after the time-consuming prospects of hooking up with new medical facilities, dealing with the DMV, learning our way around the area, unpacking, and deciding where to put things in the new house. Those of you who have ever moved into a new state know these procedures well, we suppose.

We are pleased to say that we have also found a new spiritual home as well. Transfers have been requested by our new parish church, and Debbie McGee has efficiently forwarded all the necessary papers. Our new parish is St. Patrick’s Episcopal in Mooresville. We were attracted here by the extremely friendly congregation. But our weekly service is formed from the BCP and that’s a plus in our book. St. Pat’s is also experiencing transition as they search for a new Rector. Unfortunately, we do have some familiarity with the necessary steps that are required through that process, even here in N.C.

An interesting sideline to our decision to attend St. Pat’s revolves around the friendliness of the parishioners: one of the first people to welcome us as we entered the church for the first time was a lady by the name of Cathy Hadden. Now, that last name might seem familiar to all of you because she is Mike Hadden’s mother; she and Mike’s dad, Jim, have been very supportive as we meet and greet people of the parish.

Needless to say, we miss all of you and our prayer time together, and we miss the activities at St. Margaret’s. We pray that your search process be on track and blessed by the Holy Spirit, and we wish you all a very blessed Advent and Christmas season.

~ Florence & Steve